Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities

Rp 50.000

Author: John Hagel III and Arthur G. Armstrong


Price for non member = Rp. 125.000,-

1 in stock

SKU: BR-004 Category:


Net Gain identifies where the next level of value lies on the Internet and lays out the first economic model to quantify the revenue potential and the investment required to build a successful virtual community. From the offerings of commercial online services such as the Motley Fool Investment group to Internet communities of book lovers, Net Gain offers a multitude of real-world scenarios and lessons for building value and creating competitive edge. The authors clearly show that in order to compete in the online economy, you must establish an entirely new approach to product development, marketing, customer service, and distribution, and rethink your company’s relationships to customers, suppliers, and competitors. And they show you how to do it.

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Buku bersih, jilid aman (tidak pecah), tidak ada coretan apapun di dalamnya, tidak ada titik-titik hitam pada halaman buku

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